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Is there any way of buying VIP with SMS?

СообщениеДобавлено: 19 янв 2017, 17:58
Ok, so I want to buy VIP, but problem is I do not want to buy it with a credit card, is there any chance of buying it with SMS? Or atleast will that be a thing in the future? I think it would make things much easier!

Re: Is there any way of buying VIP with SMS?

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 янв 2017, 14:15
1)Yandex purse: №41001539066609
2)Qiwi purse: №+79262084085
3)WebMoney purse:

WMR (Rubles) R237843622661 / (For payment from Terminals) R946746981296
WMZ (Dollars) Z293849943539
WME (Euro) E329309830167
WMB (Belarusian ruble) B298162930832
WMU (Hryvnia) U176749468022

4)PayPal: It invoice to E-mail (Way of ordering №3)

Re: Is there any way of buying VIP with SMS?

СообщениеДобавлено: 21 янв 2017, 00:02
Whell, I read the post about buying VIP I was just wondering is there any way of duing it via SMS? Or will it be a option in the future?

Re: Is there any way of buying VIP with SMS?

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 янв 2017, 15:08
Well not my bussines ask SISA , but i think Buying Vip with SMS isn't Available

Re: Is there any way of buying VIP with SMS?

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 янв 2017, 15:47
Dream On
Its useless spend time for 1-2 use

Re: Is there any way of buying VIP with SMS?

СообщениеДобавлено: 16 апр 2017, 10:18
Ни чего не понял???