Hi guys i try to connect to the server and it wirte me that i kicked from the server and i open the console and i understand that i banned
but why ? i dont understand why i get banned? what i do worng...?
Server # 996
[AMXBANS] ===============================================
[AMXBANS] Вы были забанены на этом сервере админом Finito
[AMXBANS] Осталось 6 days , 13 hours , 54 minutes and 45 seconds до окончания бана.
[AMXBANS] Ник : gCz
[AMXBANS] Причина : ' Rules 2.5 ( Na6ivanie ) + Rules 2.6 ( sliv ) '
[AMXBANS] Вы можете подать апелляцию @ www.lan-game.com
[AMXBANS] Ваш SteamID : ' STEAM_0 : 0 : 36329397 '
[AMXBANS] Ваш IP : ' '
[AMXBANS] ===============================================
Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks
Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks
Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks
Kicked : Вы забанены на этом сервере. Подробности в консоли.
I dont understand russian so i cant understand why i got banned
someone can tell me what is the reason ?
i got understand the word "Rules"
i brake any rulse?